The creation of beautiful colors, decorative instruments, clothes, jewelry and even food is due to the contribution of Chemistry. And the proper use of those things is performing mostly by women. Chemistry is considered as a creative part of general sciences. The food that we eat, air that we breathe , clothes, medicines and cleansing agents all are the beautiful gifts of Chemistry. Not only these, chemistry also works in the field of destruction if it is necessary. Atomic bomb is the destructive product of chemistry. Every single material in the universe is a chemical and the ability to understand and manipulate these chemicals is found mostly in women. We should not forget that, we all are chemist because, we all use chemicals and even our body is storage of chemicals. Knowingly or unknowingly, we are using chemicals in every moment of our life. Whereas, women are regarded as mostly chemical users. This is because they have to look after their kids, clean their houses, wash their clothes, and prepare food etc. comparing with man they use chemicals more. They are also as creative as chemistry. Many handicrafts, dyes, ornaments etc are prepared on the behalf of women and chemistry. Here it is also important to know that chemistry is an experimental subject which is exhibited by the activities and creations of women. They might use chemicals without the theoretical knowledge of their properties. But they are expert in its use experimentally. It is involved in everything; it is the basis of life without which we couldn’t exist. Normally chemicals are found to be miscible or they can make good relationship with any other substance. Similarly, women are also considered as a good relationship building creation of god.
Furthermore, not only those certain inventions are enough for this world. This world is lacking more such creations and discovery which is possible only due to continuous labor and hard study. And it is possible due by women as well as men. If women are well treated, if they are allowed to face on the light of education and if they get such a freedom and security as men for their research then it is sure that the result will be the best. Without women chemistry won’t be completed. Chemistry always lacks involvement of women because; they are the best users of chemicals. Hence, we all have to assist women from our side and level for their best result in the field of chemistry. This is because chemistry only meet all the criteria for the study of matters. Finally, I want to conclude my essay that, woman and chemistry both are the fundamental part for the survival of all the creatures. If we encourage women in their deeds, then only the world will get essential and the best result in chemistry. There is nothing impossible for women if they want and if they get our support. So, let’s walk hand in hand for the appreciation and encouragement of women in chemistry.
Polymeric materials are becoming increasingly used in different aspects of everyday life worldwide. Even in developing countries like Nepal, the demand of polymeric materials is increasing. At present, polymer science is guiding the most interesting areas of Nanotechnology; the most rapidly advancing area of contemporary research activities worldwide. Therefore, it has been already late enough to take initiatives for the introduction of research and development (R&D) activities as well as education in polymer science and technology (PST) in Nepal. On the other hand, the excessive use of petroleum-based polymers without proper management of the plastics-based wastes has created a lot of environmental problems. One often neglected issue in this regard is the economic aspect of the excessive use and environmental degradation caused by the use of those plastics materials. Therefore, it is of utmost importance, for the countries like Nepal, to develop the materials which serve simultaneously to save the foreign currency (by reducing the imports of petroleum-based products), enhance the income generation of the local public, and develop new materials based on local, renewable resources such as natural fibers.
Natural fibers (such as those from bamboo, flax, banana, pineapple, Vimal etc. which can be obtained easily in to our forests) have been used as reinforcing materials in different types of matrices [1–2]. Recently, the effective utilization as a reinforcing material for different polymer matrices has been the focus of several studies. Thus, the reinforcing materials from renewable resources have become the choice for several applications. The reason behind the use of these natural fibers is the presence of cellulose which is found in different crystalline forms and endows the fibers with high mechanical strength and flexibility.
In this regard, the thermosetting resins, which are generally prepared by the reaction of epoxide group-containing compounds with some cross-linking agents, are used extensively to bind glass, porcelain, metal, and wood. When properly cured, epoxy resins can yield very tough materials that can be used to manufacture articles for industrial floorings, foams, potting materials for electrical insulations etc. These resins suffer, however, from brittle mechanical behavior and hence need to be toughened and reinforced. Natural fibers, being renewable resources and due to their several useful properties, can be used for this purpose [3-5].
Natural fibers are any hair like raw material directly obtained from an animal, vegetable, or mineral source. The reinforcing efficiency of natural fiber is related to the nature of cellulose and its crystallinity. The main components of natural fibers are cellulose (a-cellulose), hemicellulose, lignin, pectin, and waxes. After grinding and subsequent removing of lignin, pectin, and waxes by chemical treatment the fibers are made ready to reinforce into the polymer matrixes. A Nano- cellulosic fiber can be made by steam explosion technique.
In Nepal, though late, some initiative work has been commenced on this field. If sufficient concentration is drawn by the government and related authorities in this regard we will be able to fulfill the polymer demand in our country easily by using natural resources and create lots of employment opportunities.
The Fourier Transform Infrared Spectra (FTIR spectra) of resorcinol-formaldehyde resin (RF) and the composites (90/10 composition by weight) with neat fiber flour (NF), NaOH treated fiber flour (NF') and bleached fiber flour (NF'') are compared with resorcinol-formaldehyde resin (RF) in Fig. 3. The peaks are also observed in the spectra of the neat filler and NaOH treated filler loaded RF/FF composites. The spectra of the composites shows the peaks corresponding to cellulosic filler (3430 cm-1, 1740 cm-1, 1430 cm-1 and around 1000 cm-1) and the peaks characteristics of the thermosetting resin around1603cm-1 and 1093cm-1 .
On comparing the neat fiber (NF)-resin composite with that the washed (NF') and bleached fiber (NF'')-resin composite, the –OH concentration increases due to the effective bonding between the fiber and resin. So by the increase in –OH concentration the peak on them has broadened.
Fig 3: Comparison of FTIR spectra of different composites comprising 10 wt.-% of neat fiber (NF),
[1] Singha, A. S., Shama, A., and Thakur, V. K., Bulletin of Material Science 31, 7 (2008).
[2] Kaith, B. S., Singha, A. S., Sanjeev K., and Susheel K., International Journal of Polymeric Materials 57, 54 (2008).
[3] Veldevan, de K. and Kiekens, P., Compos Struct. 62, 443 (2003).
[4] Singha, A. S. and Shama. A., International. J. Chem. Sci. 5, 1404 (2007).
[5] Misra, B. N., Kishore, J.,
Kanthwal, M., and Mehta,
1 comment:
It's feels good to know that intellectually, mentally and spiritually, woman is equivalent to a male and she can participate in every activity. Recently came across these pages where they have listed Women have contributed to the chemical sciences since the age of alchemy, but for centuries they did so largely unseen and unheard. Famous female chemists and chemical engineers.
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